Wednesday, April 18, 2018

W. H. Emory, detail map at El Paso

Detal plan of the US Comission, showing the city of El Paso (scale: 1/60.000)

The Title reads as follows:

shewing the 
INITIAL POINT under the Treaty of December, 30th 1853
Astronomically determined and surveyed in 1855 under the direction of
WILLIAM H. EMORY U.S. Commissioner
______________ . ____________

Latitude and Longitude by W.H.EMORY, assisted by J.H CLARK
Triangulations and Topography by M.von HIPPEL assisted

Projected and drawn by F.HERBST

scale 1/60000

As in Salazar Ilarregui's map, it is signed by both commissioners, here on the lower left side, with the following statement:

"This Map has been compared with the corresponding Map of the Mexican Commission (...) to represent the true Boundary. The two Maps agree, except in the bed of the river, which circumstances is consequence of the two Surveys being made at different periods, six months apart, during which time the river changed its bed as it is constantly doing, but always between  narrow limits"

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It starts with painting over murals and removing mission bells. Where does it end?

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